
Branding and Trademarks

By Kumu Handa, Consultant Intellectual Property Ever wonder why our parents gave us names? Simple… so that we

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What is Arbitration? An overview from JNP Legal

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(English) What to do when being sued?

Many of us got panic and do not know what to do when they realized they have been sued. This article is to give you a general idea on how to conduct yourself when going through litigation.

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(English) Recruitment

The intrinsic value of a business is its capacity to grow and make a profit. There are many important cogs in the wheel of a successful business but without doubt it is very difficult to have a successful business without having a great team to drive it forward.

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(English) Director’s Liabilities

I met up with an old friend of mine a couple of weeks ago for lunch. During our catching up conversation on life, he mentioned that he had recently been offered a Directorship in a company.

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この関連記事は、今、訴訟中だとおっしゃるかた、また権利を守るために、これから訴訟を起こそうかと考えているかたへ向けての訴訟入門編です。タイで訴訟になった場合、何があなたにできるのか? 訴訟の種類や段階、また、あなた自身でできる方策や準備などを簡単にお教えします。

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